If you cannot find the entrance to pick-up your route, follow the Amazon Delivery trucks. There is a hub entrance located in the rear of the building where they drive into to enter. You also need to enter the same way.
I arrived at the facility at 6:30pm for my route at 7pm because I'd never driven for this location and wanted to accommodate any hiccups. I checked in 15 minutes early through the app as directed. The only instructions given in the app say building 6 and find an associate to scan your route. Most of the parking lot is barricaded and doors say associate entry only. After driving around looking for other flex drivers or someone to ask for help, I decided to contact the driver assistance 800 number. He had no idea where the entrance was either and told me to just keep looking for someone who could better assist me and noted the feedback for the app. By this time it was 7:15. I circled the building yet again, and an Amazon Driver flashed their headlights and becked me forward in the direction he was going to drive through the port. Thank God for him, because this was exactly where I needed to be to enter. Unfortunately, it was too late to pick-up. After explaining the steps taken to retrieve my route, I had to be released from the block. So please learn from my experience. I will try to return to upload pictures of where you should be to help other newbies who are used to walk-in centers.
Very unprofessional!!! ...there’s no regard for their employees safety & care . Worst management to work at .. i was bitten by a Dog ; let dispatch know what had occurred while trying to deliver package & only thing was their concern was delivering the packages, they forced us to stay out however long whether you have signal/connection or lost ...ITS ALL ABOUT THE PACKAGES!!!. AMAZON does not care for their workers ..they rather you deliver a package at the cost of your safety. ...WORK HERE At YOUR OWN RISK !
It was my second time getting a block from this location. I’ve never being late before and my phone was having issues. I ask the guy that is right in front when you pull over with your car and he told me to just get in line and wait for a manager but by the time I got to talk to her my block said late and I was unable to sign in. Managers act like we are not both working for the same company. She rudely said she can’t help me and didn’t even give me a chance to explain. I don’t understand why wouldn’t they be able to help me when they know I was there on time and my time was only 1 minute late. Manager main priority should be getting those packages on time but instead decided to decline any type of help. Love how fast you get packages at this facility but management should b e more helpful. We are All working for one same company after all.
Have amazon flex signs . Drove there and had know clue where I was going or where I needed to be
My workplace. I almost always enjoy going to work. Great employer, caring associates, super teamwork.
How many jobs are available at Amazon DHO3?
There are 0,000 open jobs at Amazon DHO3 located at 9155 Derrington Rd, Houston, TX 77064, United States.
What roles Amazon is hiring at Amazon MSP9 in Brooklyn Park, MN?
Amazon DHO3 has at Amazon DHO3 that is located at Amazon DHO3.
Are there any remote or work-from-home jobs at Amazon MSP9 in Brooklyn Park, MN?
Amazon DHO3 doesn't have any work-from-home and remote jobs currently at Amazon DHO3 in 9155 Derrington Rd, Houston, TX 77064, United States.
What's the address of Amazon MSP9 in Brooklyn Park, MN?
Amazon DHO3 is located at 9155 Derrington Rd, Houston, TX 77064, United States and has 0,000 open jobs.
What skills are required to work at Amazon DHO3 in 9155 Derrington Rd, Houston, TX 77064, United States?
There 0,000 open jobs at Amazon DHO3 that require , and skills.
How can I contact the direct HR in the facility?
The best way to contact HR and recruiting manager is by submitting an application at Tarta.ai using the following URL: https://remoteonly.us/p/HGNj_IABa_lfHxJ2hok-
When will I start my job at Amazon MSP9?
Check your email update the date set if already applied for a job at 9155 Derrington Rd, Houston, TX 77064, United States.
How can I apply for a position at Amazon DHO3?
Go to the Amazon DHO3 jobs page at https://remoteonly.us/p/HGNj_IABa_lfHxJ2hok- and apply for the jobs.
If wanted to apply to be a at Amazon in Brooklyn park where could apply. Please send me the link if you could.
Go to the Amazon DHO3 jobs page at https://remoteonly.us/p/HGNj_IABa_lfHxJ2hok-, locate the job you're looking to apply for and click apply.
How do i fill out a application? Or get the right phone number?
The best way to do it is to apply online at tarta.ai. Go to https://remoteonly.us/p/HGNj_IABa_lfHxJ2hok-, find the job you're interested in and click apply.