Jobs at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2

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Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 reviews

1.0 4/30/2021
Would not recommend this job to anyone unless they have no other options. Amazon as an entire company does not care about the individual and will not take accountability for there mistakes that negatively impact workers. I myself was poorly treated by DSD2 which is the Carlsbad location. The Yard Marshals are very pushy, agenda driven and only care about there bonus incentive to get drivers out of the yard. They don't care about the drivers organization in his/her van even though that is %50 of being a successful driver on the road. They have tunnel vision for there bonus. I personally was loading a nursery level 2 load (way less packages) and finished early. I had 10 minutes to spare and was going to grab my personal phone from the back of my van and go help other drivers load there vans (not required). Yard Marshal Jacob came over and slammed my door on my phone before I could get to it and proceeded to only make sure that I had pressed start travel on my device. At this moment I wanted to throw the device at him but I did not because that wouldn't fix my phone. The entire reason my phone even got smashed is because amazon decided to stop putting printed pick lists on the racks. So I had to log in on my personal phone (not required but basically is now because the rabbits are trash) and look at my pick list via email to load my over flow correctly. Had they not made this change, I wouldn't be going through any of this frustration. Had they not paid a bonus to people who literally do nothing but direct vans in the yard, I wouldn't be going through this frustration. I will do everything in my power to steer people away from this company and customers who use it because even after explaining myself and the yard marshal himself taking responsibility and apologizing, Amazon still decided to not to pay for the replacement of my broken screen. Big company stepping on a small worker just trying to work to make ends meet. Driver/warehouse workers, do not break your backs for this company, stay away and get out before they do you like they did me.
3.0 4/15/2021
Drivers need to learn how to read and follow delivery instructions.
1.0 11/5/2021
Bad check inn
1.0 4/30/2021
Definitely a bottom of the barrel job that if you are left with no where else to turn, then work here. False promises, inconsistent schedule, inconsistent pay, and inconsistent work flow.
3.0 3/17/2020
They need to protect there workers better. I've seen sick people working there. I fear for my wife who also works there.


How many jobs are available at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2?

There are 0,000 open jobs at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 located at 2777 Loker Ave W STE B, Carlsbad, CA 92010, United States.

What roles Amazon is hiring at Amazon MSP9 in Brooklyn Park, MN?

Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 has at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 that is located at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2.

Are there any remote or work-from-home jobs at Amazon MSP9 in Brooklyn Park, MN?

Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 doesn't have any work-from-home and remote jobs currently at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 in 2777 Loker Ave W STE B, Carlsbad, CA 92010, United States.

What's the address of Amazon MSP9 in Brooklyn Park, MN?

Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 is located at 2777 Loker Ave W STE B, Carlsbad, CA 92010, United States and has 0,000 open jobs.

What skills are required to work at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 in 2777 Loker Ave W STE B, Carlsbad, CA 92010, United States?

There 0,000 open jobs at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 that require , and skills.

How can I contact the direct HR in the facility?

The best way to contact HR and recruiting manager is by submitting an application at using the following URL:

When will I start my job at Amazon MSP9?

Check your email update the date set if already applied for a job at 2777 Loker Ave W STE B, Carlsbad, CA 92010, United States.

How can I apply for a position at Amazon Delivery Station DSD2?

Go to the Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 jobs page at and apply for the jobs.

If wanted to apply to be a at Amazon in Brooklyn park where could apply. Please send me the link if you could.

Go to the Amazon Delivery Station DSD2 jobs page at, locate the job you're looking to apply for and click apply.

How do i fill out a application? Or get the right phone number?

The best way to do it is to apply online at Go to, find the job you're interested in and click apply.